Why is the chip used in a computer called a chip does it have any connection with potato chips know the answer

Why is the chip used in a computer called a chip does it have any connection with potato chips know the answer

Computer Chip: Science has made great progress in the world. Earlier, many things took a lot of time to happen. Now many things can be accomplished easily with the help of science. Many inventions were made according to the needs of the people. So there were some inventions which became popular and became a need of the people.

Today there is no place like school, college, office, hospital where computers are not used. Computers run on hardware and software. The most important thing in hardware is the processor. Which is also called chip. Why is it called a chip and does it have any connection with potato chips? Let us know the answer.

This is why it is called chip

The computer was invented by Charles Babbage. The world got the first computer in the year 1837. The main thing on which a computer runs is the processor. Which is also called chip. In the year 1971, the first computer chip i.e. micro processor was made for business use. Whose name was Intel 4004.

Often a question comes in people’s mind why it is called a chip. Why was it not given any other name? Actually it is a word in English language. Which is made of cut off. That means it was cut and separated. If we go by its literal meaning, chip in Hindi means piece or part of something. A computer chip is very small, that is why it is called a chip.

Is there any connection with potato chips?

If we look at the connection of chips with potato chips, there is no direct connection. As we have already told you that the word chip means piece. That means something gets broken into many pieces. So those pieces are called chips. Similarly, when potatoes are cut into many pieces, those pieces are called chips.

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